Who Are We?
Here at The Edge, we’re not afraid of tough questions. As a matter of fact, we hit them head on. Is there a God? Was Jesus for real? If so, was He the Son of God like he claimed to be? Can the Bible be trusted? We know that young people are struggling for real answers in a world where truth is up for grabs. Are you seeking? Are you sitting on the fence between Jesus and the world? Or are you totally sold out to Christ? The Edge is here to introduce teens to Jesus. We are also here to encourage and teach those who aren’t content with living a double life, but desire to walk on the edge with God and have a vibrant, real relationship with their Savior. Become a disciple. Walk on The Edge!

Wednesday Nights
Grades 6-12
6:00-7:45 pm
Join us in the Youth Room for
The Word
Come by early for basketball in the gym, air hockey in the game room, or video games in the youth room. Starts at 5:30 pm!