- Love the Lord God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength and love our neighbor as ourselves.
- Learn what it means to walk with Christ and encourage each other in that walk
- Praise the God who created the world and all that is in it
- Share the good news- – That Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life!
- Study God’s Word so that we may grow in His truth
- Pray without ceasing

Mission Outreach
FBC is thrilled to be part of the spread of God’s kingdom around the world. We are active in supporting missionaries with our money and with our prayers. We encourage all of our people to respond to God’s call for laborers, whether it means that they move to a foreign country or live and minister in our own community.
Coffee Shop Ministry
Center Stage Ministries
God-honoring worship is something we strive for. Many church members get involved in our music. Some play their instruments. Some are vocalists. Still others get involved in the Christmas or Easter drama. These volunteers are an important part of the ministry of First Baptist, using their talents and gifts to glorify God. This year, we’ve introduced Center Stage Ministries where those within the church can use their writing, acting, singing, and dancing talents to outreach to their family, friends, and community. These are hosted once a month to open dialogue of who Jesus is and why it’s important to know Him.
The Watchmen
The Watchmen team fills an important role. They are involved in directing attendees to their seats, ensuring the safety of the building during services, guiding traffic, helping visitors, answering questions, providing direction, unlocking doors, locking doors, and generally ensuring that the service can proceed problem-free. The usher team is a servant-hearted group of men and women whose ministry is integral to church life.
Media & Technology
Using media to spread the gospel is a privilege. In an age of widespread technology, we have a stewardship to use these tools as best as possible for God’s glory. All of our weekly sermons are uploaded to our website in audio formats.
Prayer Warriors
Prayer cannot be overestimated. Prayer moves the hand of God. We strive to be a body of believers dependent upon prayer and committed to God’s sovereignty. Each Sunday morning at 10:00 am, a team of volunteers is praying for the ministry of the Word. Throughout the week, volunteers to our Prayer Warriors team pray for their pastor, a list of church members, any special requests, missionary prayer needs, and the persecuted church.
Children’s Church
Fireside Cafe
Center Stage Ministries
Children’s Church
The Edge Youth
The Gathering

What are our Sunday service times?
10:00 am – Praying Through the Psalms in the Chapel

Question: “How can I be saved?”
Answer: This simple, yet profound, question is the most important question that can be asked. “How can I be saved?” deals with where we will spend eternity after our lives in this world are over. There is no more important issue than our eternal destiny. Thankfully, the Bible is abundantly clear on how a person can be saved. The Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30). Paul and Silas responded, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31).
Why do I need to be saved?
We are all infected with sin (Romans 3:23). We are born with sin (Psalm 51:5), and we all personally choose to sin (Ecclesiastes 7:20; 1 John 1:8). Sin is what makes us unsaved. Sin is what separates us from God. Sin is what has us on the path to eternal destruction.
Saved from what?
Because of our sin, we all deserve death (Romans 6:23). While the physical consequence of sin is physical death, that is not the only kind of death that results from sin. All sin is ultimately committed against an eternal and infinite God (Psalm 51:4). Because of that, the just penalty for our sin is also eternal and infinite. What we need to be saved from is eternal destruction (Matthew 25:46; Revelation 20:15).
How did God provide salvation?
Because the just penalty for sin is infinite and eternal, only God could pay the penalty, because only He is infinite and eternal. But God, in His divine nature, could not die. So God became a human being in the person of Jesus Christ. God took on human flesh, lived among us, and taught us. When the people rejected Him and His message, and sought to kill Him, He willingly sacrificed Himself for us, allowing Himself to be crucified (John 10:15). Because Jesus Christ was human, He could die; and because Jesus Christ was God, His death had an eternal and infinite value. Jesus’ death on the cross was the perfect and complete payment for our sin (1 John 2:2). He took the consequences we deserved. Jesus’ resurrection from the dead demonstrated that His death was indeed the perfectly sufficient sacrifice for sin.
Acts 3:19 says, “Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” Repent means to turn from your old life and old ways of sin and instead, turn towards God. Tell Him you are sorry for the wrongs you have done and choose to give your life over to Him.
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). God has already done all of the work for you to be saved when His Son, Jesus, died on the cross and took your sins upon Himself. All you must do is receive, in faith, the salvation God offers (Ephesians 2:8-9). Fully trust in Jesus alone as the payment for your sins. Believe in Him, and you will not perish (John 3:16). God is offering you salvation as a gift. All you have to do is accept it. Jesus is the way of salvation (John 14:6).

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday from 9am to 4pm.
Church Location & Address: 1959 Eureka Way Redding, CA 96001 (map)
Telephone & Fax: Tel: (530) 243-5356 | Fax: (530) 243-5356
Email: contact@reddingfbc.net