You are not alone on the journey.

Head’s Up!
Men’s Bible Study
Men’s Bible Study with Gordon Phillips has begun their new study by C.S. Lewis
“Mere Christianity”
It’s not too late to attend!
Order your book online today
Meets Tuesday @ 6:30 pm in the ManCave.
Ask Gordon for details.
The Men’s Ministry meets at various locations for breakfast, a time of study, and a special event. Special events range from fishing on the lake, golfing, or hanging out in the Man Cave watching the Super Bowl. Whatever the event, all FBC men are invited to attend and bring a friend. Ask Gordon for details on the next special event and watch for special announcements throughout the month.

Are you wondering what the process of discipleship is about? How does a man of God follow Christ? Are all Christians required to be disciples? Join us as we meet in the Man Cave to discuss the ins-and-outs of the call of discipleship.